iChoose mic input from your computer sound preferences
Mic on
Audio effects
iTurn on/off automated audio effects on mic input
Record Loop
iTurn on mic to record your own sound into buffer
Play loop Audio effects
iTurn on/off automated audio effects on loop
Upload File
iUpload your own .wav, .mp3, .aiff or .ogg file
Play fileAudio effects
iTurn on/off automated audio effects on loop
Audio Effects
iTick box to apply effect and choose automated control. Index refers to the tip of index finger. For best results, face camera in sufficient light with upper body (chest till top of head) visible.
iOne octave above and below original pitch
Effect on/off
Automatic on/off
iChoose gesture to turn on/off effect automatically. Effect will be on as long as gesture is held. To control manually, select ------
Pitchshift freq controlled by
Effect on/off
Automatic on/off
iChoose gesture to toggle on/off effect automatically. To control manually, select ------
Distortion mix controlled by
0.0 Reverb
Effect on/off
Automatic on/off
iChoose gesture to toggle on/off effect automatically. To control manually, select ------